• It's summer, it's sunny outside, we feel like putting colors everywhere, even in our hair ! Or, at least I do. ^^ And so does my friends : at my summer camp, I spend three weeks doing hair wraps to everyone ! But what is a hair wrap, might you be asking ? Well, it is a kind of braid wrapped in colorful wool or cotton threads. 

    You don't understand, do you ? 

    It's normal. 

    Second trial : These are hair wraps :


    Atébas et tresses brésiliennes        

    Atébas et tresses brésiliennes

    I haven't done these ones. 

    Anyway, I was wondering if you'd like to know how to make these ;) Bye !


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  • Here are the new ones who recently arrived in the Happy families game : Hermione and the White/Red queens ! 

    Les petits nouveaux chez les sept familles


    Camille did Hermione...

    Les petits nouveaux chez les sept familles


    And I did this card. I'm very proud of this one !  

    The next families will be the "ghibli studios" family and the "rise of the guardians" family ! Don't miss the new cards ! :)

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  • Hey ! 

    I came to Camille's house to see her dance Gala (she is very talented !) and so we spent all our time drawing the Happy families ;).

    So here are the new ones : 

    Harry Potter family

     We start with a new family, the Harry Potter one ! ;) When it's written in blue, Camille did it, and in purple, it's me, ok ? :) 


    Les nouvelles cartes des 7 familles

    Harry looks so young ! Looks like he's only eleven years old ^^ And we barely see his scar :p

    Les nouvelles cartes des 7 familles

    Ron, on his way to Hogwarts in the flying car... We can see Harry's foot as he falls, Hedwig and the Hogwarts express on the card. ;) 

    Les nouvelles cartes des 7 familles

    And here's the great Dumbledore ! A bit blurry, sorry, I don't have any scanner... (Ok, he's making the book fly because I was too lazy to draw his hand holding it :p)


    Divergent family  

    Les nouvelles cartes des 7 familles 

    Will is finally finished ! Behind him, we can even notice Jeanine commenting on a chart... Good job, Camille ! 


    Les nouvelles cartes des 7 familles

    Tris's mother represents the Abnegation :) Please admire the symbol on the upper right corner, because it was very hard to draw ! ^^


    Les nouvelles cartes des 7 familles

    And then, admire Four and Tris that we re-drawed, because I wanted to change a few details of Four and because Camille thought that Tris was ugly. She's completely mad. ^^

    Les nouvelles cartes des 7 familles

    That's all ! And you, what have you done this weekend ? ;p


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  • And here we go again for the Happy families, 'cause since we were on holiday (yeah, I went back to school today :( ), we've been seeing each other a lot of times. As a result, we finished some cards and I'll present you the Divergent family, from the book  that is over-supra-good  that is the best book of the world  that I love so much. 

    Sooo let's get started ! First, there are the Alice in wonderland cards that we finished : 

    7 familles divergent ;)

    The March Hare and Mallymkun (I finally found how to write it after endless researches, it shouldn't be authorized to have such a strange name ! ^^)

    7 familles divergent ;)

    Then the Cheshire cat, in his forest, cushy... Love this character ;p

    7 familles divergent ;)

    And the White Rabbit ! Cam's thinks he's ugly and wants to throw it away in order to draw a new version (I don't care, I'll keep it, nah ! ^^)

    Well, there's two cards from me because she was working on Divergent ;) So in fact, we had already done Tris and Four, and after we didn't really know who to put in the family, so we made a representative for each faction. It's not very clear, but you'll understand (if you read the book. If you didn't, well... Never mind ;p)

    7 familles divergent ;)

    So here are Tris, drew by Camille, and Four, by me (I decided to draw his back because I was way too much scared of missing his face x) ), representing the Dauntless.

    7 familles divergent ;)

    Then there's Christina from the Candor, Camille ALSO re-drawed it because "she was in a too neutral position", she said. Yeah, she re-draws her cards a lot because she caught the everything-I-am-doing-is-crap-anyway illness, and therefore she is persuaded that everything she is doing is ugly, and other bullshitty things. Everybody with me to tell her that NO, SHE ISN'T A PRAT !!!!!

    Anyway. Who's next ? 

    7 familles divergent ;)

    By me, a little Amity girl, just to represent her faction ;)

    7 familles divergent ;)

    And, last but not least, Tris's mother, who will wear the Abnegation colors ;) 

    Will will represent the Erudite, drawn by Camille ! 

    Have a nice day ! 

    Iolka xxx

    Oui, on s'étale JUSTE UN PEU quand on dessine ;) vous pouvez voir la photo du chat du cheshire qui m'a servi de modèle sur l'ordi^^

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  • Hem. This category is called "Drawing" and the only thing I'm talking about in it are the Happy Families ^^' Well it fact, that's because if you don't count them, I don't draw a lot anymore. Hope you don't mind ;) 

    So, today, little report of a weekend spent between us two (Camille and I), where he drew the Happy families again. The project isn't evolving very fast since we only work on it when we're together. ^^ And we started the Alice in wonderland family ! Here's the result of three hours of hard work : 

    7 familles : Alice in wonderland

    Alice (by me) and the Mad Hatter (by her). I think that Alice looks a little weird, but I can't fix it anymore ^^

    7 familles : Alice in wonderland

    Then, the White Rabbit. Camille (she did it) thinks he looks too "childish" so she wants to draw it again (that's a shame, it's too cute ;) ! ) 

    7 familles : Alice in wonderland

    That beloved Cheshire cat, by me, Smith his frightening smile ^^

    7 familles : Alice in wonderland

    And the last one : the March Hare and his Spoon (he makes me laugh so much xD). There's also the mouse with the unpronounceable name on the card ! I did this one, by the way. 

    That's where we are for the moment, the two others characters of the family will probably be the white and red Queens, but you can suggest me others, I'll show you the finished family (if ever we finish it one day ^^)

    Bye-bye ! 

    7 familles : Alice in wonderland




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